Sensual massage


Welcome to SBM (Sensual Body Massage) here we are aware of the need for services catering to women of maturity, where ladies can feel comfortable and catered to regardless of age or other factors and is crucial for fostering a positive and inclusive environment.


Offering a variety of sensual massage options allows clients to explore their preferences and indulge in experiences tailored to their desires. By embracing diversity and providing a range of services, SBM ensures that every client can find something that fullfills their thoughts and deisres.


The emphasis on empowerment and acceptance is very important, as everyone deserves to feel valued and pampered. It's a priority to focus on meeting the needs of individuals who may have felt overlooked or excluded in the past.


Massages are conducted by a mature male therapist, and by visiting you in your home or hotel this guarantees a comfortable and welcoming space surrounded by your familiar items for sensual massage, something that is important to allow you to fully benefit from the experience.


( If a home visit is not suitable please ask about our option to visit at a discreet location)


Being based in Mole Valley I am able to reach out to most areas in Surrey and West Sussex


07425 825962

If you would rather a Swedish style massage for relaxation or rejuvination

Then this is available at


Questioning why choosing this type of massage and treatments brings up so many positive answers.


All of which bring benefit to the clients wellbeing, these can be mental, physical, emotional or a non commitmental release, and any of these can be alone or together are perfectly normal and should not be left to grow.


Years of study around the globe have shown the benefits, and the availability here in the Uk is growing to assist those seeking the end to their dilemaa. 




rose hiding ladies yoni

Massages are available to all ladies and couples, but we have a special interest in helping those who believe they cannot take advantage of the treatments because of  Age, Body size, Body image, Ethnicity, dissability or have Nervous tendacies, you should not be surprised that help or the service you are looking for is certainly available here.


Whilst in your company all the boundaries you set will be strictly honoured, you will never be asked to do something you are uncomfortable with similarly you decide the level of coverage whilst your massage is being carried out, as always disscretion is foremost.


07425 825962



Almost all forms of sensual, erotic, yoni and intimate massage is available, after years massaging the demand increased in the sensual massage requests, so it became a mission to learn the required techniques to fulfil the requests made and make sure each is tailored to your own desire.

If you are a couple and would like to enjoy massage together, or would like to learn how to carry out massage techniques on one another then that is also something on offer.


07425 825962

ladies yoni hidden by speach balloon

The best way to make contact is to call 07425 825962 you can ask any questions regarding making an appointment, current fees (which are surpisingly low), to confirm the choices or ideas you have are available, if no answer either txt or leave a message with a time to return the call if you would like.

No contact will be made without your prior authorisation. total disscretion is assured.