Welcome to SBM, Massage with Sensual touch

Welcome to SBM, now concentrating treatments for ladies only.

This decision was made after much thought and discussion, also many hours of learning new and  various techniques and styles which are oriented towards ladies made this an easy choice.

So here's looking forward to an era of changes that will allow those who choose to join enjoy an enhanced experience.



Massage comes in many forms & styles and is known by many names, some of those styles are offered and all personalised to your choice, so whatever your thoughts there will surely be something to fulfill whatever is on your mind.

Whether you are just looking to enjoy a soothing but sensual massage that is fine, and you are more than welcome to enjoy such, but if you have been seeking other additions to your massage that's also fine and hopefully something that can be achieved.

Help is always at hand !!


ladies yoni hidden by speach balloon


All ladies are welcome to enjoy the benefits and pleasure of massage, without  judgement or exclusion, so if you are older, feel you may be of a size that would'nt be accepted, be of an ethnicity that has reservations or any other reason you believe would exclude you, that will not the case, in fact assisting those who have felt excluded is a speciality and always rewarding.

Even in the case of mobility issues there is usually always a solution to accomodate.


(the only exceptions would be either being under the age limit or a medical issue)


Choosing to experience a Sensual/Yoni or intimate massage is something that should be a pleasant even exciting experience from the start and one that should be so enjoyable that you would like to repeat it, so making sure you are relaxed but excited about what is to come is all part of the journey to your goal.

At all times the pace is set by you and so it should be, it’s all about you, No rush, No pressure.

Whatever you would like to gain from an experience with Sensual Bliss Massage, you will always be the centre of attention, if you have something specific, wishes that you would like to try, or something bothering you no problem. 





Available in Surrey and Sussex & ajoining areas, either  visiting  you, or accommodating if required 



Sensual bodywork massage usually starts at £45 for a one hour massage, No surprises, only agreed fees charged.

(Please be sure to note that treatments only available to ladies, or couples if by prior agreement)


 Calling 07425 825962 is the best way to make an appointment,

If no answer please send a text with your brief details & request.

and if you would like a return call or txt, or of course try again later.

Discretion is assured at all times.





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